Τρίτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Society of Romanian Science Fiction and Fantasy

SRSFF (Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society)

Email από τη Ρουμανία, απ' όπου οι εκεί πολύ δραστήριοι ομοιοπαθείς θέλουν να μάθουν όσα περισσότερα γίνεται για την ελληνική σκηνή του Φανταστικού.
Ζητάνε Έλληνα αρθρογράφο στα αγγλικά για το (βραβευμένο) ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό τους, μεταφρασμένα στα αγγλικά διηγήματα, πανόραμα της ελληνικής Ε.Φ. και πληροφορίες για περιοδικά.
Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται, ας τους γράψει απευθείας στην διεύθυνση που δίνουν.

We discovered that we don't know much about our neighbours science fiction
and fantasy genres, so we had prepared and launched a project, a
pan-european portal, EUROPA SF, dedicated to the promotion of all european
SF&Fs : www.scifiportal.eu

We've celebrated in October one year of its existence, and in April 2013,
the European Science Fiction Society had granted EUROPA SF, it's EUROCON
Spirit of Dedication Award for the best european SF site :

For example, we'd posted some news on the greek SF and fandom :
-"A. L. E. F., The Science Fiction Club of Athens"
- "Universe Pathways Editions" by George Sotirhos
- "LARRY NIVEN Awards for Fantasy Literature" by George Sotirhos

Please, kindly spread the news, we're interested to have a english
language contributor from Greece for EUROPA SF (www.scifiportal.eu),
informing the other europeans about greek SF&F books, magazines, sites,
blogs, movies or any other initiatives relating to the imaginary domain
from Greece.

Write directly to EUROPA SF : http://scifiportal.eu/
Become a contributor
Promote science fiction and fantasy events from your country sending us
news and info about them. Or, if you are familiar with wordpress apply
here to become an editor and post your articles directly.

Another project is a common bilingual (or trilingual SF) anthology, we've
started this project with the bulgarian SF Human Foundation, we've
prepared the common SF anthology, 15 texts translated into english for
each part (with romanian and bulgarian language originals, too), we have a
pdf format, a print-on-demand run of 30 copies, we had applied at the
Cultural Unit of the European Commission for financial support, but we had
been refused !
So, if anyone in Greece wants to join in, if we can gather 10-15 english
language translated greek SF texts, we can prepare a triligual anthology
and we will apply again next year.
We had already launched a trilingual (english/croatian/romanian) SF
Croatian Anthology in Romania in 2012 :


Besides Universe Pathways (english version :
http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/universe_pathways) are any other
printed SF magazines published nowadays in Greece ?
Or e-zines/sites/portals ?
Which SF awards are existing and how many greek SF&F book titles are
published yearly ?

By the way, is there available in english language (or french) a panorama
or an overview of the greek SF from the origins to the present ?
Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

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